AACP contracted with SMSC to put together an assessment plan for one of our important member services, the Assessment and Accreditation Management System (AAMS). The timetable was extremely tight but Sue executed flawlessly and on time. Her deep experience in academic program assessment was the key to a successful final product.
Using Dr. Stein to lead our annual retreat turned out to be a brilliant idea! Her insights and ideas on ways to approach the challenging retreat topics made our meeting a successful one. She kept the faculty and staff engaged and focused during all of the discussions. We still marvel at how quickly she helped us make decisions. Dr. Stein is a masterful consultant, and someone we hope to use again in the near future.
Dr. Stein’s workshops were extremely well received by DKCIP faculty and faculty from across campus. With engaging, motivating enthusiasm, Dr. Stein effectively addressed basic instructional needs of junior faculty and advanced instructional needs of more experienced faculty
During our strategic planning process, Dr. Susan Stein was an invaluable resource. She created a safe, engaging environment while effectively and efficiently facilitating and encouraging thought-provoking discussions. We were so pleased with Dr. Stein’s skills, we engaged her services again to facilitate a policies, procedures, and handbooks revision retreat. Her administrative knowledge and experience was instrumental in creating concise, supportive, and operational documents.
We have kept in touch with Dr. Stein and have asked her to serve as a facilitator and teaching methods expert consultant in our annual Transformation & Innovation in Pharmacy Education Institute.
For WSU, her expertise and ability to successfully communicate made her an important contributor as we moved to a competency-based curricular delivery model.
Dr. Stein had given a series of professional development workshops (our first ever) to our faculty which had been very well received. We met and she immediately impressed me as a professional, knowledgeable and thoughtful individual. In particular, our faculty appreciate her clinical experience and her ability to integrate real-life teaching experience of pharmacy, medical and healthcare students into her workshops.
Dr. Stein worked with us on our first full accreditation self-study. She worked directly with the faculty co-chairs and faculty who were managing the response on each section of our report. She provided valuable guidance to faculty not familiar with the accreditation process, and she helped edit and improve the report. Dr. Stein's many years of experience with accreditation and faculty interaction lead to a high-quality document that everyone felt pride in, and that was successful in the end. My faculty, staff, and I are grateful for the help Dr. Stein provided and we will think of her services in the future as other similar efforts and needs arise at CUSP!
Dr. Stein has brought unique expertise to our program, tailored leadership workshops, and assisted our team in exploring our strength zones to expand our circle of leadership skills.